Seeing the Floor Guardian Overseer's interest in meeting the Golden Princess, he promised Albedo that after the Sorcerer Kingdom is established, they will have Renner be an emissary to them in Nazarick. Considering this idea, it also makes Demiurge think about a plan that requires installing a doppelgänger-puppet king in the Roble Holy Kingdom. Learning from Cocytus that he can bathe in hot water, he recommends Cocytus should have suggested they take a hot bath together to promote circulation. Learning that it was about the subject of giving them a vacation, Demiurge informs his master that such matter is handled by himself and Albedo. In his humanoid form, Demiurge's pair of eyes lack eyeballs, in fact, shining jewels with numerous small cuts take the place of his eyeballs. The best method that he can devise to make the Empire a vassal state will require the estimated time span of at least a month to complete without problem. In the end, he intentionally let Momon emerge victorious over him as planned by the two of them. Not only that, but Demiurge also don't want neither himself nor Mare's action to affect Nazarick as operations of the tomb is perfectly balanced at the moment. Overlord Character Stat Table. 1366x1230 Demiurge Wallpaper Background Image. 12. About 1.8 meters tall, Demiurge is described to be a demon with dark skin and nicely combed black hair. Planning to obtain permission from his master for the final stages of the plan which requires a doppelgänger, Demiurge returns from the Holy Kingdom and intends to meet up with Ainz about it. While spending his time with the Guardians in private, Demiurge express his concern for their master Ainz to them. He uses his magic to forcefully make Shasuryu Shasha and Zaryusu Shasha bow down in front of Ainz Ooal Gown, telling them to not resist. He has his own farming ranch set up to prepare for skinning them alive in order to grind for materials like their skins to use in making low-tier magic scrolls. Seeing that the two remaining Floor Guardians are not around, Demiurge asked Momonga about why Victim and Gargantua are not present in this meeting, to which the latter states that they are only to be moved under special circumstances. Listening to her delusions of having Ainz's children, he gives her a tip that the Supreme Beings like boys to wear girls' clothes due to a previous misunderstanding he heard from them. Behind you, you can hear him shift, rustling with his clothes. Overlord Translated Character Sheets. He can use several of his skills to mold and change certain parts of his body like his arm into an offensive weapon for battle. He noted that the Empire deciding to plot a vile conspiracy against Nazarick's rule would go against their master's wishes. Among one of such other methods Demiurge was recently known to use happens to be a political assassination instigated on Prince Caspond of the Holy Kingdom and replacing him with a puppet to take over the individual's role in the human nation. For that reason, Demiurge told those who are present with him the objective of invading each one of the Eight Fingers' facilities that are assigned to them, capturing important people of intelligence as well as taking their valuable resources. Disliking Tuare's ability to make basic dishes like steamed potatoes as Sebas' suggestion, he told the butler that she was better off helping him prepare food in his breeding ranch where making mincemeat is hardly a trivial task. He is one of the Floor Guardians that was assigned to the Great Tomb of Nazarick. His Jaldabaoth persona that represent the demon's existence came into question when two nations fought him under unique forms respectively. After the delegation leaves Nazarick, Ainz and the Floor Guardians hold a meeting while listening to Demiurge's insight as he understood his master's supposed plan better than anyone else in the Throne Room. Learning that his creator made him dress as a "trap," Demiurge contemplates on whether all boys in Nazarick should be dressed the same way as Mare. Though Demiurge is a sadistic demon that thrives on the pain of other creatures, he has a more artistic side to him. Although some things were beyond his expectations, Demiurge can't help but express his sincere gratitude to Ainz with the shape-sifter, stating that the first phase of the plan has concluded successfully and for providing him with an excellent pawn like Neia Baraja. Upon seeing the flying armor giant destroy both the Death Knight and the Death Warrior, Ainz expected Demiurge to have already known the reason of why Ainz did not sent so many forces at the city of E-Naüru. Demiurge's role is to ensure that neither of the two will gain the role no matter what the outcome is, as it will create future conflict if one of them wins the position either way. Article by Harry Ivory. RELATED: 10 Things Fans Totally Missed In Overlord Season 2 And 3. Extremely worried that Nazarick may lose its last master, he tells her and Cocytus that they must bring him back safe by any means necessary as he is now in danger of being possibly killed. Overlord - Demiurge character sheet Like us on Facebook! It was said that his techniques had surpassed those of a casual dabbler. Leaving aside the matter over the Empire's vassalization for another time, he listens to a request from Ainz on wanting a copy of his plan given to him which he accepted. See more ideas about character sheet, anime, awesome anime. Later, Demiurge planned to have Ainz strike a mighty fatal blow to the other party and let them understand the difference in power between Nazarick's might and their own before they proceed to talks of negotiation thereafter. May 2, 2020 - See more 'Overlord' images on Know Your Meme! During the second meeting, Demiurge tells Ainz that he has yet to use the gold coins and is instead planning to invest them, unlike the rest of the other Guardians. He suggests that if the enemy is stronger than they can imagine, the place in which Nazarick resurrect Ainz will become very important. Although he was thoroughly convinced that Ainz would defeat Shalltear, Demiurge lacks warrior knowledge and still remains somewhat cautious whether his master can keep the momentum going in his favors without losing it to the latter who can possibly overturn the situation. Hence, he hurriedly hang up on Cocytus' [Message] call with an excuse that something urgent had caught his attention and ended their discussion right then and now.[13]. Character Street Art. She leaned back in her chair and started talking. Demiurge Demiurge discarded his previous thought of having Nazarick work for a nation, reasoning that their organization will be limited in the actions that they can take. Before his master and Albedo arrived, he made sure to introduce Victim to Shalltear, Aura, Mare, and Cocytus of the latter being the 8th Floor Guardian. As Aura suggested why they not spread the rumors after Momon become famous, Demiurge reasons that it would be a poor move on the opposition's part because everyone will have already see the adventurer in a positive light. A savior came in the form of Ainz Oal Gown who defeated the demon army with his magic. Romaji Male During this time around, he was given the position of Overseer temporarily to lead his fellow Floor Guardians and their vassals at the forefront to the Throne Room where their master and Albedo awaits them. Among all the people in Nazarick, Ainz and Albedo are the only people that Demiurge cannot read. Send to Friend. hide. At some point, before or during the war, unclear when or where it happen, Demiurge had Caspond Bessarez assassinated through unknown means. 5 notes. Demiurge works closely with the other servants of Nazarick and is loyal to the creators, thinking of them as important companions and consider their words/saying as wisdom pass down to him to reflect on. Demiurge: I'm listening. Despite Ainz's approval, he speculated that the event may not go as smoothly as planned when there might be some discrepancies along the way. When the butler arrives, he instructed Sebas from getting any close to their master. Learning from Eclair that Albedo is in his master's room, Demiurge recalls the time that he had to convince the Guardian Overseer in letting Ainz travel to E-Rantel which he had succeeded successfully. Meanwhile, Demiurge suggests before they continue on with their plan, an appropriate title fitting for Ainz should be decided upon first. Follow/Fav Albedo's Betrayal. (To Albedo concerning his experiment on humans): (To Albedo in regard to the human experiment): (To Albedo about their creators' preference): (To the Floor Guardians and other NPCs about. Once he finished speaking, Demiurge was attacked from behind by adventurers who use Invisibility magic to sneak up on him. The tragic events caused by Jaldabaoth in the Re-Estize Kingdom and the Holy Kingdom were all planned out by him, using such fake persona to also secretly hide Nazarick's involvement and influence in these two nations. However, when the test subjects are hungry, Demiurge noticed that the gut may be unable to digest food despite the brain desiring it. For instance, Demiurge believes that his master's objective all along was to encourage Cocytus in requesting from Ainz more reinforcements due to how difficult it is to beat the lizardmen with the low-tier forces he had. At the very end of Season 2, Episode 10 of Overlord, Albedo is spending time with her Ainz dolls, when Ainz orders her to prepare for a raid to save a human. The names of the missing demons stated by Demiurge are Garira, Iabel, Belias, Kainon, and Abiretsia. In the Audience Room, Demiurge was present with the other Floor Guardians. In the bath, he poke fun at Cocytus's exoskeleton body being always exposed as naked all the times much to the latter's displeasure. When Ainz calls for a meeting with the Guardians, Demiurge inquires his master of how can they be of assistance to their liege. After that topic was done, he discusses the vassalization of the Empire which is proceeding accordingly while Ainz was gone. Demiurge had several rules arranged to regulate the interactions and hierarchy between test subjects of different races to the extent that he force them to cannibalize each other alive. At Kalinsha, he infiltrated the city and began a spree of carnage to attract the attention of the paladins located there. After the meeting was over and Ainz left, he explained to the Floor Guardians that his master had foreseen Cocytus's decision, reasoning that Ainz was expecting an alternative solution, one that can justify sparing the lizardmen for the benefit of Nazarick. Upon being lavish with praise by Ainz, Demiurge informs his master that he had already captured an adequate quantity of prisoners to ensure that Nazarick will be guaranteed a stable supply of skins for making low-tier spell scrolls in the future. He reasonably affirmed Ainz's idea to Albedo, with support from the elf twins who also agreed with what their master say. Art. report. Realizing that his suggestion was turn down, he recommends Ainz to send Tuare off to the breeding ranch and have her work there with his subordinates. Overlord Chapter 1 Seeing that it would be a shame to let the livestock starve, he roasted up the children of both sides whole and served them up to each other. Masayuki Katō While on his way to visit, he can't help but admire the entire 9th Floor of Nazarick during his walk through there. Finally, Demiurge as Jaldabaoth continue his battle with Momon from where they left off while ordering Mare to create an earthquake as the signal. CUSTOMER REVIEWS . In the end, he had no other choice but to thank and accept his master's care and concern of asking them to rest. PROTIP: Before resuming their role-playing battle, Demiurge was instructed by Ainz to damage the armor Momon wore as proof of the intense exchange of blows between the two. Shortly later, he and the other male Floor Guardians came together and then prepare to set off for a bath together. While the negotiation is going on, Ainz asks him to act as Nazarick's ambassador. In return, Demiurge promised her that if Ainz returns safely, he will obediently yield to her demand if a similar situation occurs which the former adamantly obliges.[9]. He was by Ainz's side as his master sat upon the throne, alongside him, watching Renner deal the killing blow to her father Ramposa that put an end to his life. With so many characters and viewers, Overlord has more than its fair share of fan art. Rather, he felt the Sorcerer Kingdom needs to make a painful example out of the Re-Estize Kingdom in order to show the surrounding nations to not take them lightly or else they may suffer the same fate.[38]. Among the people he is in cahoot with as his associates, some of which happens to be none other than the Golden Princess from the Re-Estize Kingdom and the current ruler of the Roble Holy Kingdom. Previous: View Gallery Random Image: Next More: Overlord Uploaded by David (The NSFW guy) Overlord Uploaded by David (The NSFW guy) Overlord Uploaded by Inferno Overlord … It's an interesting mix of likable characters. Despite his advise not being follow through, he concluded that it was better to shackle the alchemist to Nazarick and force him to focus solely on research and development of potions work with a debt of obligation. Additionally, Demiurge was also an advisor to Ainz on matters regarding how to deal with Nfirea Bareare. He felt Ainz wanted NPCs like himself and Cocytus to improve the way in which they approach matters, but with other objectives in mind as well. According to Sebas, Demiurge would abuse the hostage in front of the enemy in order to frighten them into submission. Demiurge declares that he will gather his men to do so, but is stopped by Cocytus, who has been ordered to restrain him. According to Ainz, the entirety of the Holy Kingdom’s future affairs was now under the control of Demiurge who is overseeing it with the help of his puppet that he gave rise to power in the human nation. The condition to be allowed to go with Momonga was to temporarily refer to his master by a different alias for the time being together. In the case of Operation Gehenna which Demiurge had set up, he use the Re-Estize Kingdom as a basis for his grand scheme of things. Particularly, he wonders whether or not Momonga will be able to give Nazarick a future successor to carry on his will and inherit the throne if he one day leaves them like his creator and the other Supreme Beings. A supreme overlord with his full might, Source: When you create your character, think, what provoked them to be an evil overlord or were they an overlord since the beginning? Seeing that his master's one-on-one battle strategy as unusual, Demiurge figures Ainz was deliberately lying to them in order to hide something else which neither he nor Cocytus knew of. Overlord Volume 1 Along the way, when Sebas looks to let Tuare join the tomb, Demiurge arguably got into a bit of a quarrel with the butler concerning her fate, doubting whether she can really prepare food worthy of Nazarick standard. He did not want to hurt them, and he felt great regret for attacking Demiurge … Also, Demiurge, with Ainz's approval, goes to investigate something strange that Sebas detailed in one of his reports (Possibly concerning the Golden Princess). Epilogue, Side Story: Girl's Talk, Character Profiles. Legal Information: Know Your Meme ® is a trademark of Literally Media Ltd. By using this site, you are agreeing by the site's terms of use and privacy policy and DMCA policy. He will someday offer him knowledge of how to produce children of his subordinates a... 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