So, to encourage means to let God’s Spirit, His presence and love, flow through us and wash over those around us, and to be His hands and feet in the world, it means to actually be blessed with a real part in what He’s doing…Thank you and thank God for this article! , Thank you for this. Hey there, welcome to Project Inspired. I hope your post has inspired other women to either host or attend a woman’s Bible study…. If your church doesn’t have a Facebook page or group (and even if they do! Love these ideas! Have had some inquirers. Jenn desires to bring glory to God and a healthy dose of reality to Christians through both writing and preaching. Dee – I understand. In a... During this season, we know that your social media feeds are likely full of negative images and stories, but there is hope out there.... Justin and Hailey Bieber have been increasingly vocal about their faith since they got married in 2018. Romans 15:5 If God be for us, who can be against us? I love that the tips are helping and that God is giving your inspiration to move higher with Him. But it... His kindness is immeasurable. Over the past week, the news, social... Jenn Arman is a youth pastor, freelance writer and blogger. 3 It should not surprise us that the Bible emphasizes the need for regular encouragement. I never ever knew that. There are so many wonderful apps and tools out there, it would take weeks to gather them all. ), A short taste of the video study can be a deciding factor in women’s attendance. ???? From bulletin announcements to presentation slides to a blurb or banner on the church website (like the one below). This is the Study Guide for the Encouragement article by Ken Boa. 052: Navigating These Troubled Times with Mary DeMuth |The Living Room, 051: The Settled Soul with Jodi Detrick | The Living Room, 050: Learning to Prevail with Susie Larson | The Living Room, Word of God Speak 2021 – Bible Reading Plan, 049: Rest Now with Kelly Balarie | The Living Room. At any given Bible study, we can profit in one of these areas, and many times more than one. Appreciate you stopping by! In addition to direct commands to encourage (1 Thess. They ask their members to attend at least one (different topics are offered each night). Thanks for the encouragement. I believe there are five ways to help people decide to come to your Bible study group: Give them an assignment. I'd like to receive the free email course. Knowledge. Let’s have a look at a few Bible verses, from which even the college students may be encouraged. That way we aren’t worried about our prayer requests being broadcast to the world or spammy posts filling our comment threads. Did you know that the Greek word for “encourage,” parakaleo, appears 105 times in the New Testament? Encouraging means telling people what they need to hear in order to bring about a change in action, feeling or belief, but when we encourage others, we should always do it with love, grace and wisdom. (Save me & Tag a f, God brings out His brightest light in the hardest, We display our God and his gospel when we are self, If you are a child of God, remember that He will n, God’s grace is teaching. I’d love to hear from you…In your experience, what’s the most effective way to promote a Bible study? Adobe Spark – I’m kind of in love with this app right now! Words of Encouragement from The Bible: Never Give Up. As believers, church attendance is of high importance. I know of a congregation that holds Bible studies nearly every night of the week. For 20 years I’ve been studying, working to develop this gift and struggling to understand it as well as I could to use it as effectively as possible. Parakaleo…that word brought tears of joy to my eyes, because “Paraclete” – Someone who does/IS “parakaleo” – is a word for the Holy Spirit. Do you want to pick up some new healthy habits but can't ever seem to find the time? A c, When you are hurting, He understands and He loves, How to Prepare to Be a Godly and Faithful Wife, How to Encourage Your Boyfriend’s Spiritual Leadership, What a Christian Girl Wants Her Guy to Know, 5 Character Qualities You Need for Marriage, How Overthinking Is Ruining Your Dating Life. Getting your details out early (at least three weeks in advance) allows the grapevine to carry the news to people you might never reach otherwise. Create cool graphics, pages and short videos to promote your study or event. Make the most of a captive audience by securing small flyers to the inside of each bathroom stall. Like the foyer, coffee bar, nursery and children’s wing as well as the women’s restrooms. When one’s gifting is confirmed by the church and is encouraged to get further training to develop those gifts, then schooling will be most helpful. And leave room for those goals to change. Traci says: August 9, 2011 at 8:34 am. 215-546-3696 Encouraging someone can mean you’re giving them support or confidence , but is also means that you’re helping to develop something in them. Two weeks before study, I like to pass clipboards through the congregation (though most of the time, the forms are kept at a back table with a sample of the book. May you find motivation and hope in this collection of encouraging, uplifting Bible verses. The Ephesian believers were allowing disunity to creep into their fellowship of believers, and Paul is telling them what they need to hear in order to change their behavior. But have extra cards printed to give out during church. She was born in San Diego, California and raised 2 hours north east in the Inland Empire where she lives with her husband David and their cats. How To Create an Inspiring Morning Routine, ‘We Have a God Who’s in Control of Everything’ Sadie Robertson Encourages Those Struggling to Find Comfort In Their Faith, 10 Images From Peaceful Protests This Week, ‘We Have the Peace of Jesus’: Justin and Hailey Bieber Open Up About Their Faith In Their New Facebook Watch Series, ‘He is Now with Jesus’: Ravi Zacharias, a World Renown Christian Apologist Dies at 74. The worship of the Greek goddess Artemis was the city’s main attraction, but many other types of occult practices thrived there as well. FIRST CHRISTIAN CHURCH would like to extend a personal invitation to you to attend our bi-weekly Men’s Bible Study held on Thursday mornings at 10:00 A.M. Our Men’s Bible Study is a time of fellowship, fun and learning – growing through the … Back-to-school means back to Bible Study in our neck of the woods. It shows just how much goes into truly encouraging others, and just how huge and beautiful a ministry this is. We will never sell or … The two consistently talk about their decision... Beloved Christian apologist, author and speaker Ravi Zacharias, 74, went to be with the Lord on May 19. So without further delay (and with promo resources from Having a Mary Heart in a Martha Word: DVD Study scattered throughout! so that none of you should become hardened by the … Publicize events, advise schedule changes or communicate last-minute weather cancellations, Facebook can do so many things. Post the video to your church website and Facebook page. Agonizing events can debilitate one's faith, however, constantly reminding yourself of the promises of God and clinging to them, will help you stand firm even in a fierce storm. Be sure to CLICK "confirm" to receive all the goodies I plan to send your way! [Here’s a sample of the Having a Mary Heart postcard.]. PASS IT ON!! 3. And just as sadly, all too many young people attend Bible school and seminary because that appears to be the pathway to effective ministry and (sadly) status in the Christian community. I did get to attend one during my Kids are Teens years. Scriptures of Encouragement The things which are impossible with men are possible with God. ), here are “Ten Ways to Promote Your Bible Study” – and a lot more! Remember: Your encouragement makes a difference! Giving online to Encouragement Temple is now available through the designated link(s) below: Wanting to reach out to more and see some growth and excitement for the Kingdom! All of these methods fulfill the command to the church to teach its members. Arlene Greene likes to hand them out to young moms as they pick their children after kid’s church. But ask Him to do a new thing in you as well. Every Christian who is concerned about growing will attend Bible study. Here’s a video I made in less than 40 minutes. Sufficient spiritual growth is impossible without a proper diet of God's Word. It’s no good to know what your gifts are if you don’t understand what to do with them. Bible studies allow people to not only learn about the Bible and their faith, but also build friendships and strong relationships. Definitely check it out! I know some who meet twice on Sunday, but Sunday night's gather is for Bible study. We use cookies to ensure that we give you the best experience on our website. If people have a job to do, they are more likely to show up weekly. Ever. Encouraging someone can mean you’re giving them support or confidence, but is also means that you’re helping to develop something in them. A big, gorgeous white dress. | Bible study Encouragement (Gk. You can know the ABC's without learning how to read, but you can never read without knowing the ABC's. I can’t wait to study again. ), consider starting a group for your women’s ministry. While many groups continue their studies through the summer, we’ve found a summer break works best for our church and the ladies we serve. Make sure the sign-up sheet has the study details clearly outlined at the top. Wednesday Evening Bible Study. Where did you learn that.It’s cool. I reevaluated every word of that conversation, every hint of his body language,... Our country is in the middle of a battle between abortion activists and the horrors of killing unborn children, and the many people and... I’ve been having a lot of fun lately sharing videos on TikTok and Instagram Reels. Thank you for connecting with us virtually! If I’m just pointing out truth that God has placed on my heart, then if anyone is “the bad guy”, it’s Him (not that He could ever be bad). ​, Can you learn how to look at yourself through the, In the midst of uncertainty, lean into the One who, Faith in God's love allows us to view every situat, Is your self-esteem grounded in your God-given ide, The good news is; ​You can stop worrying and you, The courage it takes to share your whole truth wit, Know that God sees you and that you are known by H, No matter what you face give your self to God. If childcare is provided, include that information as well. There are a few other words in the Bible that have similar meaning, such as exhort, warn or admonish, but they are mostly used in Paul’s letters. Paul says that God gives endurance and encouragement (verse 5). I was told that I was an encourager when I was just starting Jr. High, but I didn’t know what it really meant to encourage others until I was in my late 20’s! . Vistaprint prints high-quality full-color postcards for a great price. Great togetherness builds hearts on fire for the Lord. Ask Aysha: “Are There Any Good Guys Left?”, 4 Free Workout Apps to Help You Get Healthy From Home, 3 Important Lessons From Switched Every Girl Needs To Hear. Bible Study Resources - Tips, Online Bible … If you haven’t already started a database of email addresses for your women’s ministry, please start soon! Consider having extra cards made so women can take a few to pass out to their circle of influence. You can also connect with her on and Site: SA Designs & BoydPress SolutionsPhotos: Sara McNutt Photography  |  Privacy Policy, I live in Vermont, so our churches are pretty small,” says pastor’s wife and study leader, Donna Lee. Be sure to include the important details: “What, Where, When and How Much.”. Barnabas was on the first missionary team. It is not just the continuing history of the church, which indeed shows growth over 2,000 years, that gives encouragement. “I live in Vermont, so our churches are pretty small,” says pastor’s wife and study leader, Donna Lee. The mouth of the righteous is a fountain of life. Thank you for connecting with us virtually! Check to see if it’s possible to show a short promo video (like this one) during Sunday service, preferably two weeks before study starts. SWEET! Our desire is to see all men become true followers of Jesus Christ 7 days a week/52 weeks a year. When the Bible talks about encouragement, it usually means that one is calling someone to their side in order to teach, comfort, strengthen or push them to act in a certain way. That’s a lot! Let these Bible verses encourage and remind you of why attending church is essential to our lives. You have gifts and talents from God that are unique to you, and we're here to guide you along the way. I’ve been struggling with being the bad guy in a situation, but I know that I’m pointing out the truth, and I try to do it with love, so this kinda came at a good time. It has been a HUGE key for growth in God and emotional well being. Ask if you can be included, then at least three weeks before, provide necessary details in a concise manner. 600 Eden Road Lancaster, PA 17601. While praise can be part of encouragement, it doesn’t cover the full meaning of the word. When the Bible talks about encouragement, it usually means that one is calling someone to their side in order to teach, comfort, strengthen or push them to act in a certain way. Email is a powerful way to connect with women – not only for publicity, but as a way to connect and minister through encouraging and equipping newsletters. The Holy Bible continues to inspire generations of people all across the globe. Encouragement is one of my spiritual gifts, and I’m very passionate about it. “The Comforter.” The still, small voice of God, reassuring us that we are loved, waking up our conscience to change a wrong thing, calling us where He has planned for us to go. When I turn my agenda over to God, He shows me the how, when and where. Love and God bless <3 , Alyssa – I totally know what you mean! Thanks so much for signing up for my newsletter! Many media outlets provide free public service announcements and are willing to print your announcement if you get it to them in a timely manner. The newly graduated, young adults are full of dreams and hopes for a bright future. It was a very dark place for followers of the Lord. Welcome to the website for author and speaker, Joanna Weaver. Please try again. I’ve got too… We often think of encouragement as saying nice things to others to make them feel good about themselves, but this is closer to the definition of a compliment. 5:11; Heb. Check to see if there are any local Facebook pages that accept public service announcements. It is a place we can all come together to worship, be encouraged, and learn from God's words for spiritual growth. If you’ve been doing Bible study for any length of time, you’ve watched your women’s Bible study attendance dwindle as each week passes. . are some of the minor side- effects which could be experienced by the male patients who have been diagnosed with the problems of your mind without taking solace in drugs and therefore getting recovered from drug addiction. The New American Standard Bible translates the word “parakaleo” as “implore.” When Paul says he “implores them to walk in a manner worthy,” he’s actually saying that he encourages them to walk that way. Cultivate study ambassadors out of women who are natural “connectors” and make them part of your hospitality team. (I love to read.) Upgrade to pro for more features ($2.99). The apostle Paul wrote to the Hebrew Christians: “Beware, brothers, for fear there should ever develop in any one of you a wicked heart lacking faith by drawing away from the living God; but keep on encouraging one another each day, . God promises to be with us! Consider setting up a flatscreen TV in the foyer to show a loop of the video. Consider the book of Ephesians. Life changes and so do we. I’m also going to be talking to the ladies about some changes I think will help our group grow this next meeting! 3 “Anxiety in a man’s heart weighs it down, but a good word cheers it up.” (Prov. Beautiful flowers everywhere you... We often talk about spiritual leadership only in the context of men: Husbands, boyfriends, fathers and sons are called to be “spiritual leaders,” and... Wouldn’t it be nice if guys always did what we wished? I’ve been told I’m an encourager, and wished I could also be something I saw as “bigger,” but knowing what the ministry of encouragement really is, is humbling, amazing, and, well, *extremely* encouraging! Joanna Weaver - Intimacy with God in the Busyness of Life. Then God reminds me that I’m not the bad guy. The group starts of strong and healthy, but one by one the group members start to drop off like flies… The excuses pour in: I had a doctor’s appointment. Please check your inbox for confirmation email. This cleared things up, and I thank you for it. Thanks, Lynn! The Bible instructs people to love their neighbors, so inviting them to a Bible study at your home is a way to … The Lord has been putting on my heart lately to really help others understand what this gift is all about and how to exercise it in a powerful way. As a little girl, I spent a lot of time dreaming about my wedding day. This may seem like a no-brainer, but be sure to use every avenue your church offers to publicize your study. Thanks, Dina! Are you listening? Encouragement to Men to Study the Bible and Theology, and Find Great Happiness by Randy Alcorn, Many Christian men would agree that they’re experts in business, hunting, fishing, football, or cars. What did the apostle Paul state about encouragement? Appendix: Study Guide for MEN7/52 Leadership Series MEN 7/52 is a men's ministry of More Stories Like This on Project Inspired: Bible Study: Who’s Responsible for Spreading God’s Word? . (See opening picture.) Many larger churches have church management software able to send emails to a targeted group, but as a medium-size church leader I love the creative power of MailChimp email service. Pass on names of women who might benefit from a personal phone call and invite. This alone is a good reason to attend Bible study. Many students on campus know that they don’t know their faith very well, and they have questions. There was an error submitting your subscription. My only responsibility is to do what God has asked me to do and to exercise the gifts that He has given me. . Now with 3 out of the home and 3 here, I get to attend a book club. Attendance and Bible study are to faithful discipleship what the ABC's are to reading. Get Unlocking the Bible’s Weekly Email “This Week at Unlocking the Bible” features new articles, radio programs, devotionals, and ministry updates. Graduating from high school or college is one great step in everyone’s life. Paul encouraged them to remain unified in his letters to them. Canadian Donors: Canadian Committee of The Bible Study Hour PO Box 24087, RPO Josephine 12:25) This is true of all of us.We all need a word of encouragement from time to time. When Paul founded the Ephesian church, the city of Ephesus was a major occult city. I’ve already incorporated some and am hoping for good results! We’ve made our group private and only by invite. It makes getting back to Bible study all the more sweet! The word minister when used as "ministering to others" means to attend to the needs of others. You’re amazing my sweet dear friend…. Bible Study Acts 26. (Go to and scroll down for directions on looping video via QuickTime – easy peasy! It was extremely important that the Ephesian believers maintained unity among themselves so they wouldn’t struggle alone in their new faith. Perhaps that’s why, when given a chance to create my own DVD Bible studies, I tried to include everything you as a study leader might possibly need. No matter what type of publicity you use, nothing spreads study news faster than the genuine excitement of those who attend! ), Never underestimate the power of a personal invitation. (Roll tape for the back of posters and flyers so they are tacked down securely on all four corners. Headache, facial flushing etc. We are a community of believers who love God. We all want people to come to our Bible study group this new year, but what can we do to actually get people to attend? It’s FREE for up to 2000 email addresses (see this great tutorial from Kirsten Thompson). Therefore, I the prisoner of the Lord, implore you to walk in a manner worthy of the calling with which you have been called, with all humility and gentleness, with patience, showing tolerance for one another in love, being diligent to preserve the unity of the Spirit in the bond of peace (Ephesians 4:1-3, NASB). It’s hard to get back into the swing of things after the lazy, dazy days of summer. September comes way too quick for me. After all, He knows what study is right for them. You're not alone! Ephesians 6:10-18 NIV 10 Finally, be strong in the Lord and in his mighty power.11 Put on the full armor of God, so that you can take your stand against the devil's schemes.12 For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms. Jacki Bornaman says “nothing ignites my passion to spread the word about a study more than the time I spend in prayer. Paul showed that even one who has the responsibility of encouraging others needs to be built up himself. Visit for more on her work. When putting up posters and flyers, especially inside the church, I like to use a solid color background to set off the posters (especially in the high-traffic areas women travel in our church.) Call or check online to see submission and format requirements. I HOPE YOU ALL ARE STIRRED UP FOR A GREAT WAY TO BRING LADIES FROM ACROSS THE WORLD INTO YOUR LIVING ROOMS OR A WOMEN’S RETREAT ,TO STUDY GOD’S WORD TOGETHER. When you confront a friend about this to urge them to get back in line with God’s will, you are encouraging them. Bible study causes growth. “paramutheomai”) means to counsel, advise; comfort – Vine, Unger, and White’s, An Expository Dictionary of Biblical Words . Cross post with your church’s public page for more reach. Somehow, encouragement has become confused with complimenting or praising others. 2. Everything I’ve learned about encouraging others has come from study, reading the Bible and other Christian books on the subject, talking to people and being mentored by some truly amazing people in my church. One of my goals was to get to attend and to lead a ladies Bible study. Here’s a great post by Cyndee Ownbey of Women’s Ministry Toolbox about the value of setting up a Facebook group rather than a page. A spiritual gifts test confirmed it (as test since then have also confirmed it), but then no one told me what it was or how to use it. I wanted to do the heavy lifting, so that you’re freed up to do what you do best – love the women God has given you. You’ll be in my prayers! Therefore encourage one another and build up one another, just as you also are doing (1 Thessalonians 5:11). It’s a really fun tool to work with. Free. 3:13), the Bible provides numerous examples of godly men and women practicing this … Catch the Latest on TikTok and Instagram Reels! 8 Bible verses of encouragement as you prepare for exam season Sarah Oladokun 31 May 2017 | 3:56 PM With 11 exams, 5 coursework deadlines and still having to find time to take the dog for its daily hour walk, I think it's safe to say that taking time out of your day to meditate on the word is the furthest thing away from your mind. Three to four weeks before your study, send out a press release like this one to local newspapers, radio and TV stations. Send postcards to your ladies three weeks before the study. You have something they don’t know. During times of trouble, when the waters seem to sweep over us, we can find solace in the words of encouragement from the Bible. So cool, Beth! His name was originally known as Joses, but Barnabas is better known by the name the apostles gave him as they considered his ministry of encouragement ( Acts 4: 36-37). Just text a word of your choice and they are given prompts to subscribe. Yesterday, we started two new studies and oh, it was good to be together! A revolution of Torah study is something that was promised in the Bible a long time ago, said Rabbi Tuly Weisz, speaking at the first-ever Schindler Society Knesset Bible Study. Encouragement | What does the Bible say about encouragement? My Beauty Tip of the Day: Camouflage Dark Circles! May this online Bible study encourage you to encourage one another. Luke 18:27 May God, who gives this patience and encouragement, help you live in complete harmony with each other, as is fitting for followers of Christ Jesus. I remember telling my roommate every detail of my last date. If they weren’t so unpredictable or took the time to know what we... For many young women, marriage isn’t even on the radar until high school and college are complete and their career is underway. However, can I be honest? ), On the glass doors at each entrance, I make a double-sided poster using two posters with a larger piece of colored paper sandwiched between. I love the promo! “Anytime we can join our like minded congregations in a Bible study, and share the workload of preparing lessons, it’s a win-win!”, Above all, ask the Holy Spirit to draw the women He has in mind for your studies. Read it first. Then I fasten it to the glass with double-stick tape (fabulous stuff – works on walls too! It is not just the history of redemption as recorded in the Bible that gives us encouragement. Sometimes encouragement is best to do in private, especially if the issue is a sensitive one. No matter how small or big the study is, I believe that God counts it as His!”. Have shared it again. Consider doubling the impact of your study by linking arms with other churches. Sadly, however, even those who attend Bible-teaching churches may know very little about the Bible and theology. ), Begin inviting women to sign-up for the study several weeks ahead so you have an idea how many books to order. Giving online to Encouragement Temple is now available through the designated link(s) below: In the same way, disciples may attend church meetings and yet be otherwise unfaithful, but none will ever be truly faithful if they are negligent in attendance. Over the years, however, I think there’s been a slight misunderstanding about what it really is. “Anytime we can join our like minded congregations in a Bible study, and share the workload of preparing lessons, it’s a win-win!”. Reply. She is known for her transparent and life-changing books, Having A Mary Heart in a Martha World, Having a Mary Spirit and Lazarus Awakening. (Proverbs 10:11) Judas and Silas, who themselves were prophets, said much to encourage and strengthen the brothers. the welfare of our souls. When I was a teenager, sharing my faith felt like a never-ending homework assignment, hanging over my head at all times. (Acts 15:32) Romans 8:31 If you continue to use this site we will assume that you are happy with it. One thing that’s hard for me to see is when people help others identify their spiritual gifts but don’t help them understand how to use them. (Any cool apps or publicity tools to share?). This film is full of laughs and Freaky Friday-esque fun. I’m so glad this article helped you understand what a “big” ministry encouragement really is , I’ve been confused lately about what encouragement really is all about, and what it means when you carry a gift like that..I enjoy giving others understanding and giving them hope. All great ideas…. There’s no doubt that social media can sometimes be... Are you a morning person, or does your day usually start with the snooze button? I have days where I cry out to God because it’s so hard to feel like “the bad guy” so often. Facebook is arguably the best and quickest way to connect with your ladies. Text 2 Group – this popular, FREE app at iTunes Store allows you to text groups of people, but their replies come back to you, not to entire group. Well-known Christian speaker, author, and reality TV star Sadie Robertson has been sharing encouraging reminders since the coronavirus hit a few months ago. Maddy – About 20 years ago when I was in middle school, one of my youth leaders told me that they thought I had the spiritual gift of encouragement. We're here to inspire you to know that God created you for a wonderful purpose. Minister when used as `` ministering to others '' means to attend study! Years, however, even those who attend Bible-teaching churches may know little! Needs of others or group ( and with promo Resources from Having a Mary Heart in a man ’ a! To get back into the swing of things after the lazy, days. Showed that even one who has the responsibility of encouraging, uplifting Bible verses, from which even college. Everyone ’ s Responsible for Spreading God ’ s a sample of word. Themselves were prophets, said much to encourage and remind you of why attending is. Given Bible study up one another, just as you also are (! Men 7/52 is a sensitive one study scattered throughout praising others do, they are given prompts to.! 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Site we will assume that you are happy with it needs to be built up himself the newly graduated young. No good to be built up himself if childcare is provided, include that as. Attend at least one ( different topics are offered each night ) major occult city a ladies Bible group. The designated link ( s ) below: Bible study in addition to direct commands to encourage and remind of. Jenn desires to bring glory to God, He knows what study is, I spent a lot time... Help our group private and only by invite during church them out to more and some... And just how HUGE and beautiful a ministry this is God 's for... City of Ephesus was a very dark place for followers of the woods you find motivation and in! Of things after the lazy, dazy days of summer have extra cards so. Or spammy posts filling our comment threads of reality to Christians through both writing and.... Cleared things up, and many times more than the time I spend in.!, Alyssa – I ’ m kind of in love with this app right!! A Mary Heart in a concise manner women to either host or attend a ’!