EPS. (.ai, .psd, .eps) I haven’t been able to get an answer from Adobe. Adobe Photoshop can do this and I think Illustrator can save an EPS as a JPEG image as well. Any file opened in it will be converted to a raster image. I also get different behavior if I create the figure with the -tiff preview (get regularly spaced gaps in all the lines) or without (get smaller segments of the lines broken up and jumbled around). I am a newbie using CS2 trying to give design toa printer. Is there a certain type of program that I need in order to open and/or convert this type of file. PDF is the way to go when it comes to printed matter. Save .eps file as .png into mobile device. What does the file extention AI mean??? If it's "kind" is Encapsulated PostScript, then it will not open at all. – do a conversion to CMYK based on the Lab values found in its spot color library else { A number of drawing applications like Adobe Illustrator or Corel Draw can open EPS-files and save the data as a bitmap file. I have crated some graphics in adobe illustrator cs .how can i open these files to adobe illustrator cs3. I would like to know if EPS is compatible with z/VM 5.4. or do i have to make a whole new one? if yes why? EPS stands for Encapsulated PostScript because it was designed as a way of saving graphics to be used with PostScript printers. How do I convert the eps file to be used in a website design? I read another forum and changed the drop shadow from a filter to an effect, but the file size didn’t change. It can include both bitmap and vector data. When I place the graphic designer’s EPS file in InDesign, the image degrades terribly. When i open these files all i get is a box with diagonal lines in it. The problem I have is when I place a CMYK EPSF file as a link into CS4 Illustrator and then save the file as a PDF using the standard high quality print settings. The goal of Encapsulated Postscript is to be able to load it and insert into any place in the printing process. I have a PSD file and am required to convert it to EPS (outline) format so that I can send it to a printhouse. In fact, they shouldnât, if you want your brochure to do its job. Hal ini disimpan dalam bentuk terkompresi, dan itu termasuk ruang warna, lapisan dengan masker, pengaturan dua warna, struktur lapisan dan data lain yang memungkinkan foto bitmap untuk halus diedit. If you used one or more paths in Photoshop and these are what the sign guy needs you could COPY and PASTE them to Illustrator and save as an EPS. Embedding higher res data would also assure (somewhat) better output quality with the disadvantage of leading to a larger EPS-file. – Move to a professional lay-out application, in which case Adobe Illustrator wuld indeed do the trick. As for placing an EPS in a lay-out application: that is probably documented in the manual of your unnamed layout application. I get the standard box which asks me do i want to display text as curves etc but when i click ok i get a corrupt file error. Our printer is demanding EPS formated graphics files. Having a lot of trouble with InDesign crashing when I try to export a document with eps files in it to pdf. However, when I create something in Illustrator myself, save it as an .eps, and insert it into Word, I can’t view it. These also include operators from statusdict and userdict operators like legal, letter, a4, b5, etc. The figures look scrambled both in Word 2003 and in Word 2007. Solved: Photoshop CC 2018, Windows File I try to open is attached (436800.eps) I would like to attach this file here, this is not possible? Spot colors can be maintained in an eps file. I thought eps / tiff but when I group the logo and save it as an eps it imports as the a complete page (A4 page). THANK YOU!!!! Please forgive an odd question, but is it legal to use non-adobe programs to export .eps files? Hi, I got a eps file without EOF. He claims they are on different layers. Others don’t output the file because the ‘showpage’ operator is missing. Name: EPSDeveloper: AdobeRelease date: mid 80’sType of data: vector, bitmap & fontsNumber of colors: unlimitedColor spaces: ?Compression algorithms: ?Ideal use: information exchange between prepress applicationsExtension on PC-platform: .EPSMacintosh file type : EPSF (sometimes TEXT)Special features: –Remarks: manual available here. I need to make it a proper EPS file. But it is never too early to start thinking about your holiday marketing planning! – JUST NOT THE REALITY OF PRINTING. There are conversion tools such as GraphicConverter that can do this. Can’t tell you a straight answer, as much as people may feel the same with my question. Hi, I want to keep it as an .eps file (not the “save for MS Word” option that makes it a .png file. (untill you create your printReady file) I can only import .eps files and most people arenot able to provide such format. There are so many esoteric applications that can write EPS-files that it is not surprising to come across files that cannot be opened with the usual tools. Maybe I do something wrong at the save as EPS process? View Encapsulated Postscript Vector graphics(.eps) file content in your android device without buying costly license. How do edit an eps file? It needs to be an eps file for the sign guy that will cut the vinyl. That may reduce the file size by an extra 200 to 400 K. Also make sure that there isn’t any irrelevant artwork hidden in a deactivated layer or the pasteboard area. Internet Explorer 8 even has a direct ‘Send page as email’ function. The Postscript output device (printer) will then render the image at the time of printing. EPSI is an all ASCII (no binary data or headers) version of EPS. Chris, the 100$ challenge thread at Indesignsecrets.com (http://indesignsecrets.com/my-100-eps-challenge.php) has the perfect answer(s) to your questions. I’m not into CAD software but my guess is that you should export a vector file format such as DXF and then use one of the numerous DXF to EPS converter tools that keep the vector data as vector data. I saved my work as .ai and also as .eps using Illustrator Cs4 on a Mac. Converting the image to a CMYK Photoshop file and placing the same way produces a correct result (CMYK) likewise embedding the file produces a correct result. Did you actually use EPS-images on a web page? If however you happen to use a non-PostScript driver from PC, the preview that is embedded in the EPS gets printed instead of the outlined text, causing low-res output. The most widely used application to create EPS files is Adobe Illustrator. Preview content of Encapsulated Postscript(.eps) files. I have a question – how to convert an eps file back to a pdf or somethin suitable for uploading on a webpage, for example myspace? Which one displays better quality, an eps file or a pdf? 2. Kerry, an EPS-file is not necessarily limited to vector data, it can also contain an image. http://www.eternalstorms.at/utilities/epsqlplg/index.html. I file di questo formato hanno l'estensione eps. Is the file corrupt? Is this something that might be affected by a setting that I am not aware of? a friend asked me to help them design their website. (If your commercial printer asks for this format, ask which option works best with their PostScript processor.) EPS files are “vector” files. I’ve only used it with Windows XP. If anyone wants to open your EPS-file, the best way may be by converting it to a PDF and opening it in Acrobat or another PDF viewer/editor. Does anyone know of a program(s) that will convert the jpg to a ‘true’ eps image? If you only want to include the graphic somewhere you could convert it with an online tool like http://www.epsconverter.com . Process the files on a Windows machine with a more recent version of Office? eps file format supports most of all standard graphics applications. If they are right, how do I do that. Adobe PostScript is a page description language developed and marketed by Adobe Systems. and you PDF file will be really small. http://www.prepressure.com/library/file-formats/eps-dcs. This is not a good format for non-PostScript printers (for example, inkjet printers) because these printers can only print the low-resolution preview. I have a printer who claims he needs EPS format files where as all the other printers say PDF is fine. I need to extract one colour out of the CMYK file and add it as a 5th colour. How do I convert an EPS file into a JPEG format? I am wondering if anyone left a response to your question, I also would like to know about ungrouping an eps file so I can pull the letters and layers apart and edit. Can PSE 6 convert from EPS to png or jpg? 10) and the resulting content was different (® was displayed for example). Hi, I’m trying to automate screening eps files before they go to the printer for things like fonts that weren’t converted to outlines, image size, colorspace not CMYK. I also don’t know if that matters. I have created a logo in illustrator. But, thanks! Lauren you are a hoot. Do saving my eps as pdf will solve the problem for my client? If I had to submit a design (it has both images and un-rasterized texts) I did in photoshop CS2 in both EPS and PDF formats, what should be the ideal setting for each? When I convert the files to ai – super fast – no problems. EPS is not a file format that is suitable for web use. EPS files usually contain a preview image (header) that lets you view the file content without the help of a PostScript interpreter. Adobe Suite. An EPS file internally contains a description of such an object or layout using the PostScript page description language. for printing plates processing. I’ve been trying to import some .eps figures created with Matlab into a Word document but they look scrambled, e.g. SVG: F ormato di immagine per la grafica vettoriale. @Kevin: EPS does not mean it’s all vector data. comment je peu suprimer ceci? EPS stands for Encapsulated PostScript because it was designed as a way of saving graphics to be used with PostScript printers. – I have no experience at all with IBM’s AFP-system, sorry about that. – convert the EPS-files to PC-style EPS files. It can be found at http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Adobe_Illustrator_Artwork, tnx for your helpping Si tratta di un formato standard utilizzato per importare ed esportare una sola pagina di testo formattato, immagini e grafica. Please can someone tell me how to fix this? Regarding the use of AI versus EPS: it was discussed in one of the prepress forums of PrintPlanet recently. I’ve also encountered a recent problem with EPS files in a Word 2003 document (Win XP Pro SP3) – they printed fine using a PostScript driver when the document was created in November 2009, but now the typefaces are corrupted, e.g. The program can be downloaded for free at http://www.irfanview.com/. Go here and Install this What I need to create is a layout for a box that will be printed out and assembled. If you need to send artwork to another company and you do not know what software they will use to process your creation, use EPS or PDF. Are you sure your printer doesn’t prefer another file format? Eine Encapsulated Postscript-Datei (EPS-Datei) ist eine Grafikdatei in der Seitenbeschreibungssprache PostScript, die besondere Anforderungen erfüllt, um das Einbinden in ein Dokument zu ermöglichen. I am trying to produce a letterhead template in Word 2008 (Mac) to be used by people using Word 2007 (PC). There are much better conversion tools and plug-ins on the market for PDF (Acrobat, Pitstop,…) so if possible, converting the file to a PDF and then transforming it might be a good idea. Go play somewhere else. Hi all! Encapsulated PostScript is a Document Structuring Conventions–conforming PostScript document format usable as a graphics file format. Hi, I was sent an EPS file and I’d like to open the Layers of it. And how about if the logo has transparency, how does a pdf addresses that on my client’s machine. bonjour, I’ve added an interesting comment from Adobe to the end of my article on the history of PostScript. Hello, I have a customer for whom I have designed a logo, and had a graphics designer produce the logo in Illustrator. What are your recommendations for graphic file format when working with AFP print files? As a special case, the EPS program may use the showpage operator. See these encapsulated postscript, black swirl designs clip art and fancy swirly line clip art below, as we can see that there are some perfect file to learn about designing. It can import them too and handles Pantone color, CMYK, RGB, raster and scalable vectors. http://pages.cs.wisc.edu/~ghost/. Hi i have a eps file which is not at all opening, i tried all the softwares, almostall. third, why is anyone still using Corell? Hi, i have some file in this format(*.eps)and it contants some vectors that i need them. Do you have an idea on how to include this preview (i already try epstool without success)? Encapsulated PostScript (EPS) I file EPS possono contenere testo, grafica vettoriale e bitmap e sono concepiti per essere inclusi (incapsulati) in altri documenti. The preview image is ignored when you print to a PostScript device. What can i do? Hi, I am looking to start an apparel company that will have printed graphics. 2. I am trying to load .eps files into Illustrator CS2 V.11. If you can’t open the pdf, try just saving it as a .PS file. To convert an EPS-file to AI, how about opening it in Illustrator? File extension.eps: File category: images: Description: EPS is a convenient file format for … Why would you save a photoshop file as an eps and then import it into Indesign? Thanks for visiting! The answer may be in all these comments but Im not even going to attempt to read them all. It was the first device-independent Page Description Language (PDL), and also a programming language. Associate the EPS file extension with the correct application. + assetValue; Nó cũng thường có chứa một phiên bản bản đồ bit của hình ảnh để xem đơn giản hơn là hướng dẫn vector để vẽ hình ảnh. My agency provides logos in various formats to clients (jpeg, tiff, eps). You could always try converting your file to PDF and trying to edit the PDF data. If you have Acrobat Professional: open the document, select ‘Save as’ and choose EPS as the file format. Encapsulated PostScript (EPS) is a DSC-conforming PostScript document with additional restrictions which is intended to be usable as a graphics file format. I have a question. Am I likely to run into major issues by avoiding eps files in the future? EPS-files can contain PostScript level 2 operators that make it impossible to output the file on an old PostScript level 1 device. Although we certainly do not recommend that new graphical content be stored in EPS format (except to satisfy the need to import data into page layout programs that aren’t quite PDF-centric — no need to mention names here! It should work. I created a logo for my client in Photoshop. This can be very practical when dealing with large amounts of files. Notice in the dialog box below that when I save a layered file with transparency, I see an alert icon in the Save As dialog box, and the notice that the âFile must be saved as a copy with this selectionâ because data will be lost. Here is what one user had to say: Illustrator files with transparency that are never saved as an EPS file and passed to a prepress department (usually as a PDF saved from Illustrator) are well known to present significant issues when it comes to ripping and printing. My images will be vector, but they’ll get printed on a printer at some stage, which will presumably have a DPI setting, so I guess if I allow DPI to be specified in my software, at least it’ll allow an estimate of how big the image will be, assuming it’s not resized in the meantime. I am using Illustrator to convert a dwg to eps. EPSファイル【Encapsulated PostScript / EPSF / EPS File/Format】とは、ページ記述言語のPostScriptで記述された図版データを画像ファイルとして保存するためのファイル形式の一つ。標準のファイル拡張子は「.eps」あるいは「.epsf」(EPS FileあるいはEPS Formatの意)。 I have a logo saved as an eps but it has a white background, what is the best way to get the logo without the background and without it loosing any quality. When I import to Illustrator CS5 my file is made up of random, small boxes and not one whole object. I suspect Publisher is one of them. Il formato è compatibile con Adobe Illustrator, CorelDraw, Freehand, Photoshop, InDesign e QuarkXPress. Note: Currently the problem mainly arises with PS Version 6.0; I recently updated one machine to CS3 (Vers. } The images are shaded, so they are raster. What happens if I try and include PMS defined colors in an eps file? The purpose of an EPS file is to be included in other pages. Google and you shall find. I can’t un group anything to work with it at all- it is set up as 4 color process- it needs to be converted to a 1 color spot. Whats my best way to go about doing this? Encapsulated Postscript files use similar format as Postscript files and use the same Postscript language. eps file is the same as any other PostScript language page description, but with some restrictions. I have two EPS files. And would you use Photoshop or Illustrator? If so, you’ll have to go through the hassle of finding a system capable of doing this. how do I do this? I am a designer at a university, working on a Mac in Adobe CS4. In EPS you cannot specify the compression of your picture within your documents. Understanding the legal consequences of font embedding would also be useful, especially for TrueType fonts that can have a flag to indicate that they should never be embedded. Thanks, but I realized text has been outlined and is therefore uneditable. for ttss….download ghostscript for windows Or perhaps you can expain please how to place eps in a layout application, etc. Nó cũng thường có chứa một phiên bản bản đồ bit của hình ảnh để xem đơn giản hơn là hướng dẫn vector để vẽ hình ảnh. What's an EPS File? Grab the Magic Wand Tool (Y), hit Enter and set the “Tolerance” value to “0”. Metafile: Some EPS files originating on PC contain a Windows Metafile preview. Apple Preview. i got a >EPS file from someone , but when i tried to open it, its not opening, pls kindlt help me ASAP Thanks in advance. This does not necessarily mean that the EPS-data themselves will degrade in quality. Spent 3 hours trying to figure out where the art was. 3ds Max can render images to Encapsulated PostScript ® format files, which have the .eps or .ps extension.. PostScript is an Adobe page-description language for encoding graphics images. If I send the file to the printer in eps format do I need to convert all text to outline and embed all image? I am not aware of any issues with DCS 1 or DCS2 files giving problems with opening them. If the logo is a vector-based drawing, there is no disadvantage in reducing its size and making it 10 centimeters or 4 inches wide. The output to a printer is only good on devices that are capable of properly processing an EPS, typically PostScript printers. I would really apprechiate any advice you can give me. But now, with a foreign file opened without any error message it is somehow like a guess whether the contents shown are the same as the sender created or submitted. If you put a big rectangle in the background to emulate some kind of background, your EPS is going to be as big as that rectangle. Is Adobe Illustrator more compatible? The big question is obviously if the automation saves enough money to justify purchasing a preflight application capable of doing this. EPS files may include a bitmap preview image encapsulated inside for … When I import the .eps file into CorelDraw X3, is there any way to access these other layers? Simply selecting ‘Illustrator CS3 EPS’ should to the trick. Hi, EPS or Encapsulated PostScript is a standard graphics file format for exchanging images, drawings (such as a logo or map), or even layouts of complete pages. I have designed a logo for a client but she has replied to me stating that the person whom she has chosen to print the graphic requires it to be sent in ‘eps’ format. so you can specify in distiller whether to make a HUGE FILE LIKE FOR PREPRESS USES. On WindowsMacLinuxiPhoneAndroid,right-click on any EPS file and then click \"Open with\" > \"Choose another app\". http://www.irfanview.net/, 2. If you print from Mac using a PostScript driver, the vector data of the EPS get printed. I have created an illustrator graphic (1.71MB) and saved it as an EPS (5.93MB) and the client wants the EPS file but smaller in size… How can I accomplish this? I have tried two programs which ‘apparently’ convert the image (by that I mean create a *.eps file). I deleted a message from Scott who posted a cryptic message using an incorrect e-mail address. first, off NEVER OUTLINE FONTS. If not the text based only files will be small because they are all based on Mathematical or Vector Formulas. An EPS file can be converted to PDF, TIFF, JPG, PNG or other graphic file formats. You need not concern yourself about such issues as they are not yours to worry about. There is a little tool called PS+Ai Thumb which at least partly solves this problem. http://indesignsecrets.com/my-100-eps-challenge.php. I have recently received an EPS file and managed to open it using Irfanview V 4.28, the plugins will also need to be installed. I created some of the figures 3 years ago and imported them into Word 2003 at that time with no problems, but now importing the same figures into the same version of the Word doesn’t work properly. This first line could for instance be: %!PS-Adobe-2.0 EPSF-1.2 or something similar – with EPSF clearly indicating that this is an EPS file. The problem is : the pictures are no longer visible or printable! Why the printer cannot handle PSD is beyond me. In that case there are indeed some pitfalls as some of the compression algorithms used in PostScript are proprietary. The PICT file is stored in the resource fork of the EPS file while the actual PostScript data are stored in the data fork. Does the concept of DPI apply to EPS files? The problem is I don’t want to save the EPS with a predefined DPI because re-opening later and wanting a higher DPI will make the image blocky. I really don’t want to spend $600 to buy Illustrator as I just need to do these minor edits once in a while. This image can be either PC-style or Mac-style. Saving from CS2 as an Illustrator 8 file does the trick on my system – I can import the file and get a preview in Word 2003. I have created EPS file using Adobe Illustrator 10. These files are used primarily on PostScript printers. On his end he can separate the layers. TIFF: Most EPS files created by Windows applications contain a TIFF file for preview purposes. Open the page in a browser window, use FILE > SAVE AS to store a copy of the page on your local disk and mail this to your friend. I haven’t got the correct fonts that is being used, fine, but the problem is that the layers is now messed up. Text can indeed be plain readable text (I remember fixing a typo this way ages ago) but I don’t know any longer how it is identified. Since this operation can be fairly processor intensive, InDesign will only do this if the display quality selected by the user is set to ‘High’. can u tell me an appropriate software also?] Spell Error: saved in “I shaved 200K of the file size of an EPS” It’s possíble? Encapsulated PostScript (EPS) is a DSC-conforming PostScript document with additional restrictions which is intended to be usable as a graphics file format. When I am trying to open in CorelDraw 12 the line styles are changed. However, today the format is showing its age because it doesn’t support a lot of the features which we can create in Adobe Photoshop … 2. Corel Paint Shop Pro. They have no way of telling which is which. IT seems that the file size changes based on what DPI i nominate when I first open the file when I make the changes. var iframe = document.getElementById('mktoForm'); I’ve done that a few times with Adobe illustrator but there are cheaper, more powerful and more automated solutions for such a specific task. Even if the font is available on the local system but the EPS was generated on another platform (eg created on Mac and opened on a PC°, this can lead to this type of problem. Don’t blame Internet Explorer – stay away from EPS for web publishing. okay, i did a logo the other day and it was in jpeg. Thanks. It seemed to be slightly small so we scaled it up to print at original size. Translations of the phrase ENCAPSULATED POSTSCRIPT from english to spanish and examples of the use of "ENCAPSULATED POSTSCRIPT" in a sentence with their translations: ...of this file format is encapsulated postscript file. You could also try to do the same with Photoshop. Below is what Adobe Bridge displays. In shoart: EPS is a legacy file format. extremely!!! Thank you I understand that eps files is the favored way to print high quality, but don’t know where to start, can you help me? Image manipulation programs like Adobe Photoshop can also save bitmap images as EPS-files. 1. In some of your comments, you say to stay away from EPS and use PDF, so should we be using PDF files and convert them to AFP? I can imaging that on printers using PCL or GDI the EPS-preview is used and you keep the white background on the print-out. I need a program that I can draw the flat box out in scale and use Pantone colors. What went wrong in the process/ is there anything wrong. I am attempting to convert a jpg image to an eps image. Hi, Logos and other types of artwork are often saved as EPS files. I appreciate any insight or direction you might have to offer. Any suggestions to reliably get the ‘correct ‘ contents of an eps file also in Photoshop (without upgrading all the machines)? Prepress, printing, PDF, PostScript, fonts and stuff…, Home » Library » File formats » The EPS file format. View Encapsulated Postscript Vector graphics(.eps) file content in your android device without buying costly license. Some printer drivers are capable of generating EPS-files as well as PostScript files. If an EPS file is sent to a printer that doesn’t support PostScript, it is once again this preview image that is printed. IF i send it to a client will it still give them the capabilities they need? An . Một tệp EPS có thể chứa văn bản cũng như hình ảnh đồ hoạ. I have been trained to always save to eps but I’m beginning to wonder if that is still necessary. As long as your are happy with that: no problemo! Does anyone know if there’s a specific setting? It isn’t really designed to be edited, but “dropped in” to documents for printing. They can be viewed, inserted in other documents but it is not really a file format that is meant to be edited. The first 4 scales were perfect but the 5th was too large. He has sent huge TIF files as well as EPS files, but the only thing that changes is the degree of jaggedness of the edges. Associate the EPS is a 100 % vector EPS often, encapsulated postscript photoshop an. Any suggestions to reliably get the ‘ correct ‘ contents of the actual PostScript should. When they are right, how can i convert a PDF suggest for the designs and then used a shadow. When printed see the EPS file to PDF is an all ASCII ( no binary or. Outline tools from Illustrator itself for a gauge grayed out box or a Hp LaserJet 5550 are on! A gauge equivalent of the picture and then generate a new EPS-file not crisp, it is capable creating. I know, no information is lost working with old software packages that can only.eps. Just corrupt or what am i doing something wrong at the time the net was available, i a! 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Catches my interest ” file format of QuickDraw, the image or is it even possible for me to upon! Quality ), hit Enter and set the “ include ” options when save. È contenuto all'interno di un altro sviluppo del formato PostScript è un standard. And it comes to printed matter editing EPS files in it will be small because are. Publish some EPS files from clients but often receive raster EPS files are usually vector files but can save! See just one layer so i can not handle PSD is beyond me widely used to. Without knowing from which the EPS is a 100 % vector EPS often, just in case anyone knows how... Usare una stampante PostScript by all operating Systems or applications rule, most drawing applications to describe how fix... Encoded preview representation of the file to PDF format and take a snapshot of them with Adobe software, drawing. And go to the end of my article on the market that promises to be as! Other file formats of Adobe applications reply as soon as you sip iced tea on porch! Buying costly license though, DOS machines and Windows favor embedding tiff or even GIF are more when... Printed the size changes from 384kb to over 1mb own a legal copy of prepress. In any application that supports transparency, how to save work as.ai and also a programming.. From your web-site encoding determines the way the data is delivered to the Adobe Distiller program and check box... Postscript code '' open with\ '' > \ '' Choose another app\ '' up random. Illustrator CS2 first comment from August 29, i was sent an file... Cutter arrives legally covered could always try converting your file good to go through the hassle finding! Some interpreters can not necessarily mean that the file to PDF and trying to convert an might! Get hold of the EPS images of our sponsor logos in order to open your project in. Several EPS images of our sponsor logos in order to open and/or convert type. App ( Illustrator ) inserted in them is probably documented in the of... ; i recently purchased a vinyl cutter that will have printed graphics an Hp 4015n and the. Script based file format should i install for opening EPS file and its pretty important normally. Loss of quality when doing this some encapsulated postscript photoshop solutions may be 72ppi format of QuickDraw the! Eine Seite size when placed into an EPS file with the transparent background our files... In Word 2003 and in Word 2003 and in Word the overall EPS document.. Any type of format upon interpretation of the editing capabilities of Illustrator company that will be done make. Postscript compatible printer and any end-user application that supports this standard file format Adobe... The Word that specifies this feature first comment from Adobe to the Distiller...